We’ve organized this site to get you the information you want as easily as possible.The website is organized into five architectural places. When you hover over each of those five buttons, a drop-down menu appears with five key aspirations for domestic violence housing. Strategies are organized by place and aspiration. So, for example, the site offers several strategies for supporting parenting (the aspiration) in communal spaces (the place).
When visiting a strategy, you may find one or more links:
Learn More links enable you to move between the strategies to get more information on ways to achieve a specific aspiration.
Case Study links take you directly to information on a domestic violence program that employed this particular strategy or aspiration. (Case Studies can also be accessed through the Background button.)
Lastly, the right column contains supporting information. Strategy in Action notes highlight how programs have implemented an idea. Consider This notes offer perspectives and information that may inform your project. You’ll also find data and quotes from survivors in the right column.